

Robbis Hobby Shop contacted us regarding their social media presence and lack of time managing it themselves. In order to set the groud and build a scalable e-com store the best option for RHS was to have a digital marketing agency run their entire social media marketing and paid advertising. In that way they would be able to fully focus on worldwide trends meanwhile providing the best products and customer experience for excisting and new customers.

The Client


Services activated

  • Social Media Ads

Robbis Hobby Shop

Robbis Hobby Shop is an e-com store focusing on the most popular and exciting hobby activities around the world. With their drive and innovation they’re constantly adding the latest trends to their product-line. RHS has a good reputation for their excellent customer service and have orders coming in both Nation-wide and Internationally.

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The Challenge


Robbis Hobby Shop had no time to manage their social media themselves hence we took over.


The results of not using the best platforms to it’s full potential had put them in a bad situation where not enough visitors would show up to their shows. This then resulted in disappointed listing owners requesting that they did something about their marketing strategies.

Branding, values & target market

Branding, values and a hyper-targeted market were all factors of great importance. The product itself was not a commodity but rather an experience; something that had to be depicted on Social Media at all times.

Our Solution

In order to decide on what platforms to focus in on and really dig deep into we had a discovery call where we went through their entire marketing strategy for the last 12 months. From that information we were able to analyze what’s been working and what hasn’t. We also focused on finding out who their customer avatar and targeted audience were in order to fully understand where to focus and target our marketing for the best results.

We are now managing their day-to-day social media profiles on Facebook and Instagram where we engage our audiences with the latest products and best deals. The paid advertising is focusing on custom audiences such as people who have interacted with us before through either social media or the website. From that information we’re also able to set up look-a-like audiences to find new customers that might be interested in our products.

We’re now having a full Ad Funnel that customers go through from visiting our site the first time, being re-targeted and encouraged to come back and finalise their purchase.

The End Result of Our Campaign

The end results of our campaigns and management of Robbis Hobby Shop’s social media has been over 200%+ increase in sales in less than 30 days. The sales has been increasing ever since and we’re happy to be a part of the team that is taking Robbis Hobby Shop to the next level leveraging social media.

In addition to increased sales RHS now also has a strong social presence and engagement with their loyal audience. What we’re building together with Robbis Hobby Shop is not a brand, it’s a community and we’re excited to be a part of it.

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